
My Workspace, A PR Project & Living Room Re-design

There are many aspects of my job that I love and I consider myself very lucky for that. One of these things is that I get to spend so much of my time working with beautiful products, in beautiful homes. I like to take the time to create a nice environment to work in too, so always start and end each day with a clear and tidy studio, and have a candle or two lit as I work. This is a snapshot of my desk this week – the stunning Flamingo wallpaper from Cole & Son, a citrus mint candle from Mint Velvet, a mint notepad – beats a pile of spreadsheets anyday!

I was recently approached by Marmalade PR to see if I was interested in writing a blog post about some of Dwell UK’s lighting range. The idea is for me to style the lighting in my home for a photo shoot. This week, my voucher for the lighting arrived, I’ve been online, picked out my items and placed my order. I’ve got lots of ideas already and look forward to sharing the end result with you!

It is always so touching when someone takes the time to send you a thank you note, so when I received this personalised box of chocolates from a happy client in the post this week, I was totally chuffed! Aren’t they fun? (They’re delicious too).

Space planning is such an important element to any room design, and it is very often where I start when beginning a design project for a client. Considering layout will help you evaluate your needs and requirements for the room, it will help determine size and type of furniture, and it will also become clear where lighting and electrical points need to be placed. Once you have the use of space planned out, the fun can begin with choosing colours and finishes.

Here is a project I am currently working on, starting with the space planning of the living room. You can see that by using software like this, you can begin to get a good feel of balance between furniture in a space and how well it will work. The last thing you want to do is order up pieces of furniture only to find that the proportions are all wrong once they are in the room. If you don’t have software for this, then a simple to scale drawing is well worth the time too.

Next week I’ll be exploring colour palettes, furniture and lighting for this living room. Come back next week to see the progress!

Have a great weekend,

